What are the Magic Coins at Elven Land? & How to Earn?

Hemanth Kumar
2 min readJun 25, 2021

Elven land is a virtual land where we can able to use magic coins to do any business. The Elven Coin is the main currency of the “Levelnaut” economy and it’s created on the Tron blockchain. the other Coins are supporting coins and we call them as magic Coins, few other coins are also under development to support the main currency-Elven Coin & as of now, we have three magic coins at Elven Land -Lerta, Elven10, and Cryst.

HOW TO EARN MAGIC COINS =Lerta, Elven10, and Cryst?

There are certain activities you have to do to earn the magic coins. These activities are different for each coin.

Lerta — Levelnaut.biz — Educational platform

The Levelnaut economy has its own Educational platform — Levelnaut.biz

People can earn Lerta by creating content like explanations, how-to guides, Technologies, manuals, instructions, and educating others on the Levelnaut.biz platform,

You can also buy Lerta on the JustSwap Exchange.

Elven10 — Poziturbo — Social media platform

The Levelnaut economy has its own social media platform — Poziturbo.com

people can earn Elven10 by creating groups on the social media platform-Poziturbo.com and inviting people with the same interest, and finally to be eligible for payment- ensure that the group remains active.

Cryst — Positeca — Positive movement by Levalnaut

Positeca”- positivity is one of the key principles of the Levelnaut Project

People can earn Cryst by creating a Positivity spreading — “positece groups” on any social media and posting Inspiring posts, everything that improves mood evokes positive emotions and removes depression. High-quality humor, wonderful music, funny pictures, stories, and news. Interesting & positive articles only and finally to be eligible for payment- ensure that the group remains active.

Example: https://t.me/positeca

You can also win Cryst coins by taking part in regular chest draws on the magic field.

In addition, one can get all Elvenland coins by participating in special elvents (Elvenland events) & Remember, we can only store all these coins in a Tronlink wallet.

join our social media platforms to learn more.

Telegram — https://t.me/elvenland

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/groups/2256605687806125

Medium — https://medium.com/@elvencoin

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8982952/

Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/user/-Elvencoin

